Choice of board background

You can change the background color and set background images on individual board pages. You can select individual PDF document pages as a background for board pages, and even use a map.

Changing the background color of the page

To change the background color of the page, type in the chat message input field: /background black, for example /background #000, to set a black background for the currently selected board page.

Selecting an image as a page background

To add a new page with an image as a background, click the "Open" button on the toolbar, and then select the image you want to use as the background of the new page. After selecting an image, it will automatically be set as the background on the newly created page.

Tip: You can use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + O on Windows or ⇧ + ⌘ + O on Mac to select an image.

Selecting a PDF document as a board page

You can use pages from a PDF document as a background for board pages, which will facilitate filling out forms, adding annotations, or making handwritten notes.

To load a PDF document, click the "Open" button on the toolbar, and then select the document you want to use as a background for the board pages.

After selecting a PDF file, its individual pages will be automatically added to the board.

Drawing on maps

Enter the geographical coordinates lat,lng, to open the board at the selected point. Set an empty field in the form to get your location.

You can freely move around the map like on a canvas.

Questions sent to AI will include the position indicated on the map.